DAY THREE | Stages 1 & 2 -- Case Studies from Primary Sources


Demonstrate prior knowledge about the term/concept of genocide and on historical examples of genocide on a unit Pre-Test.

Analyze a primary documents (photo) and Apply terms for the first two stages of genocide to interpret photo.

Read a one-page summary of the Holocaust and Summarize with key facts in student’s own words.

Review summary rubric and sample summary, then Apply rubric points and sample summary to student work.



3-1) Images of Stages 1 & 2; 1 set per group
3-2) Images of Stages (with explanations for the teacher);
3-3) Summarized Definitions of the 10 Stages of Genocide
• Definition of Classification & Symbolization
3-4) Definition of Holocaust
3-5) Photo of Jewish Man and Nazi Officer
3-6) One-Page Summary of Holocaust
3-7) Summary Sheet for Student Work
3-8) One-Page Summary Scoring Rubric
3-9) Correctly filled-in Summary Sheet


  • Review definition of Holocaust and revisit discussion from Day 2 of how it was “state-sponsored” and “systematic.”

  • Put students into groups three or four. Distribute images;

  • Ask students to review/study each image in their small groups to discuss all the elements in each image that make it an example of Classification or Symbolization, or how it might be an example of both stages of genocide, and how they show examples of “state-sponsored” and “systematic”. Move from small groups to whole-class discussion.

  • Distribute One-Page Case Study of the Holocaust and read together.

  • Distribute summary sheet for Holocaust and ask students to fill in the blank boxes, plus write a short summary of the Holocaust.

  • Distribute the Summary Rubric and tell students this is a skill they will be working on together for the next several days, and an essential skill for social studies.

  • Distribute a correctly filled-in copy of the Summary Sheet and have them compare with their work.

Activity Length

One (1) 50-minute class periods