THE FINAL TEST | Extensions and Concluding Activities


Demonstrate prior knowledge about the term/concept of genocide and on historical examples of genocide on a unit Pre-Test.

Comprehend both key terms and concepts of this unit, specifically the term genocide and the terms and concepts of the 10 Stages of Genocide.

Reflect on and Write about the big question of this unit: Am I Supposed to Care about Genocide?



The Final Test


  • The six days of lessons are presented as a way to meet the minimal requirements of Public Act 170 of 2016. It covers all required content of the mandate: an introduction to the concept of GENOCIDE, and information about the two required examples of genocide: the Holocaust and the Armenian Genocide. The lessons also introduce students to other historic and contemporary genocides. But these lessons only provide an introduction to genocide and to historic examples of genocide. We hope you will expand your instruction using resources on the MHGE website.

  • We also hope you will give students the final assessment provided with these lessons. We encourage you to do this as an in class or take-home assessment, so both you and the students can measure their learning, attitudes about the topic, and possible next steps for them to take as both students of the content, and as citizens of their local and larger communities.

  • We have found that having students take the assessment and then sharing and discussing their responses is a good end-of-unit activity.